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Autor: Zouche, Richard

Otros autores: ; James, Brown Scott (ed. Lit.); Erskine Holland, Thomas (ed. lit); Brierly, J. L. (trad.)

Título: Iuris et Iudicii Fecialis, sive, Iuris Inter Gentes, et Quaestionum de Eodem Explicatio. Quam Quae ad Pacem & Bellum inter diversos Principes aut Populos spectant, ex praecipuis Historico.Iure-peritis, exhibentur.

Formato: 1 volumen

Páginas: 406

ISBN: 978-84-96579-61-3

Precio: 35.99 Eur.

Este libro pertenece a una serie de tratados publicados a principios de siglo en la colección "Clásico del Derecho Internacional" por la Canergie Institution of Washington. En ellos se reproducen textos que se consideraron importantes para la doctrina de las relaciones internacionales. Algunos de ellos han resultado más accesibles que otros, como es el caso de los tratados de Hugo Grotius, pero otros, como es el caso de Zouche, eran de difícil acceso para el estudioso. Por todo ello publicamos íntegro el texto original de la obra en latín, tal y como apareció en el siglo XVII y la traducción inglesa y estudio introductorio que la Canergie Institution incluyó al editarlo.


Preface. (p.1a-2a)

Introduction. (p.I-XVI)

Juris et Judicii Fecialis, sive, Juris Inter Gentes, et Quaestionum de Eodem Explicatio. (p.I-196)

List of Errata. (p.197-200)

Index of Authors Cited. (p.201-204)


I. Of law between nations and of the law of peace. (p. of original I ); (p. of translation. I)

II. Of status among those at peace, and therein of civil government, friends, and allies. (p. of original. 3); (p. of translation. 4)

III. Of ownership among those at peace, and therein of the civil acquisition of movables and immovables. (p. of original. 7); (p. of translation. 8)

IV. Of civil duty between those at peace, as of the law of civil congress, embassy, and treaty. (p. of original. 10); (p. of translation. 12)

V. Of wrong between those at peace, as regarding persons, things, or duties. (p. of original. 25); (p. of translation. 27)

VI. Of the law of formal war, and of informal, as reprisals. (p. of original. 30); (p. of translation. 32)

VII. Of status among belligerents, and therein of military government, hostile persons, and enemies. (p. of original 31); (p. of translation. 34)

VIII. Of ownership among belligerents, and therein of the military acquisition of movables and immovables. (p. of original. 36); (p. of translation. 39)

IX. Of duty between belligerents, as of military congress, embassy, convention, and treaty. (p. of original. 42); (p. of translation. 45)

X. Of wrong between belligerents, as arising from unlawful cause, prosecution, or execution. (p. of original. 50); (p. of translation. 53)


I. Of procedure between nations and of questions of peace: (p. of original 55-56); (p. of translation 58-59)

II. Of questions of status between those at peace: (p. of original. 57-63); (p. of translation. 61-66)

II. Of questions of status between those at peace- Continued: (p. of original. 64-71); (p. of translation.66-73)

III. Of questions of ownership between those at peace: (p. of original. 72-81); (p. of translation. 74-81)

III. Of questions of ownership between those at peace- Continued: (p. of original 82-84); (p. of translation. 83-85)

IV. Of questions of duty between those at peace: (p. of original. 87-100); (p. of translation. 87-98)

IV. Of questions of duty between those at peace. Continued (p. of original. 101-108); (p. of translation. 99-105)

V. Of questions of wrong between those at peace: (p. of original. 108-115); (p. or translation. 106-111)

VI. Of questions of war: (p. of original 116-117); (p. of translation. 112)

VI. Of questions or war: continued: (p. of original 117-120); (p. of translation. 113-115)

VII. Of questions of status between belligerents: (p. of original. 120-123); (p. of translation. 116-119)

VIII. Of questions of ownership between belligerents: (p. of original. 124-131); (p. of translation. 120-125)

VIII. Or questions or ownership between belligerents-Continued: (p. of original. 131-143); (p. or translation. 125-136)

IX. Of questions of duty between belligerents: (p. of original. 146-151); (p. of translation. 139-143)

IX. Of questions of duty between belligerents-Continued: (p. of original. 151-165); (p. of translation. 143-155)

IX. Of questions of duty between belligerents-Continued: (p. or original. 166-155); (p. of translation. 155-168)

IX. Of question of duty between belligerents-Continued: (p. of original. 181-182); (p. of translation. 168-169)

X. Of question of duty between belligerents- Continued: (p. of original. 183-195); (p. of translation. 171-181)

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